As a follow up to the “On The Map: Arts & Health in BC” project Arts Health BC and Arts Health Network Canada partnered with

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The last decade has seen a burgeoning of arts & health activity across Canada. In hospitals, classrooms, community centres, parks and cultural spaces, more and more Canadians are embracing the notion that the arts have a role to play in health, healing and wellbeing. Further, the arts provide an innovative avenue to explore personal, social and environmental factors that influence the health of individuals, populations and the sustainability of the health care system. However, despite growing interest and awareness, there remains a lack of comprehensive information on the scope, frequency and location of arts & health activities.

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We live in a society that equates aging with decline and loss, even obsolescence. We are constantly reminded to fight the process, to rise up against it, and favor the next big “anti-aging” product.

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We have created a free database of arts & health related research articles, books, and publications that we frequently update.

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We love to talk about arts & health and can tailor our presentations, in terms of content, delivery and format, to suit different audience groups and timeframes.

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